Natural Health Services - Eirini Beikousi, IMD

Welcome.  You are on your way to life changing results.

Background of Natural Healing


A client recently said to Eirini:

"You are so down-to-earth and unassuming.  I'm just blown away by your results. You don't have the cockiness that someone with your level of expertise and clinical excellence, should have.   I've been to many (Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Holistic, Wellness, Natural practitioners) with minimal results.  I saw an immediate difference on the first visit.   Within just 1-2 weeks, I was so much better, even after 20 years with my Holistic Doctor/Chiropractor in AZ.  Thank you so much for your humble, yet excellent approach".

- Elizabeth, 26 years old, Arizona  (Elizabeth drove from ME)

Elizabeth was seeing the "top" BEST Practitioner in the United States.  See her text below.  Elizabeth also brought Ben, who was able to run a race in ME, whereas before he couldn't run at all.  See Elizabeth's message to Eirini, after seeing the results and because her time was short, she wanted further healing.

Education and Training:

Boston University

Clark University

Clayton College

Harvard Medical  (post Grad)

Institute for Functional Medicine

New England Institute of Nutrition

BRT ™ Training (Body Restoration)

MHS ™ - B.E.S.T. - Morter HealthSystem - Research: Parker University of Chiropractic

Palmer Institute -  Massage, Polarity, Reflexology, Ayurvedic Medicine

Texas Chiropractic 

UpLedger Institute - Cranio-sacral therapy

Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

M.S. in Holistic Nutrition

IMD - Doctor of Integrative Medicine

Functional Medicine (Wellness) Specialist

Wellness Expert

Metabolic Syndrome and Cellular Detox

AHMA - American Holistic Medical Association 

ABMP - Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals 

BOIM - Board of Integrative Medicine      

League of Chiropractic Women


Education: 5,900 hrs.

Clinical Experience: over 30,200 hrs.

Total:  + 36,000 hrs. - Clinical Excellence  

- a $3,000,000+ investment in your health and growing



  • B.E.S.T - Bio-Energetics  - advanced Practitioner 
  • B.E.S.T. - balances nervous system and energy (Chi) - no needles - light touch 
  • BRT - Body Restoration Technique ™  - hormones, metabolism, inflammation, sleep
  • Lipo-Light (non-invasive body-sculpting)
  • True Cellular Detox
  • 8 Weeks to Wellness
  • Brain Based Wellness
  • CRA - Contact Reflex Analysis ™ 
  • CST - CranialSacral Therapy - UpLedger
  • MAT - Meridian Autonomic Testing 
  • NRT - Nutrition Response Testing ™
  • Holistic Nutrition
  • Naturopathy
  • Massage 
  • Polarity
  • Reflexology
  • Light touch - healing - relaxation
  • Mind-Body Healing - Emotional release  
  • Finding past stress and other causes of disease 
  • Functional Medicine - addresses functional problems
  • Cellular Health - Healthy Cells = Healthy Body


 Integrative = to integrate, multiple healing modalities and customize for best results